Thursday, September 10, 2020


Had a customer come into the store first thing this morning and walk to the back of the store.

Only for me to see them come back up to the front of the store, head on a swivel, obviously looking for something.

So I asked if they needed help finding anything.

To which they responded asking if we had any carts.

Like the carts that people push around the store and put things in carts.


It is kinda amazing how unobservant people can be.

As those carts are in the vestibule--the little area between the first set of sliding doors and the second set of sliding doors. 

So I directed the customer to where they could find said carts.

And then later helped them answer some questions about dogs and such.

But yah.

Gotta love pointing out the obvious first thing in the morning.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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