Monday, September 14, 2020

Evil Bird

It's always the worst when a customer decides that they need help right when you're trying to go on break.

Especially when they end up being one of 'those' customers that needs help for longer than like two minutes.

Where they end up taking up fifteen minutes of your time.

And if you're unlucky end up taking up enough of your time that when you're finally done with said customer, there's four more that have shown up to take their place because the first customer took long enough that you didn't manage to avoid the next 'rush' so it takes even longer to go on your break than you'd originally planned.

In any case, it wasn't quite like that when I tried to go take a fifteen minute break with this particular customer.

No, the only thing 'difficult' about this customer is the fact that they wanted a parakeet.

Which parakeets are evil.

Soooo when you're tired and just want to go sit down for a few minutes and just chill....having to grab evil birdy isn't really ideal.

Especially because the bird decided to be one of those 'difficult' evil parakeets that are actually evil and latch onto my hand. Like got a tiny piece of my skin between its beak and it bit me hard. Super hard. Hard that the knee jerk reaction is to fling my hand back and forth really quick to get it to let go.

Which most of the time I can stamp down on that urge long enough to get the bird safely contained.

But today? Not so much. It HURT.

Hurt enough to draw blood the evil creature.

He let go pretty quickly so it was more of a quick downward motion, so the bird didn't actually hit anything. But GAH it was hard to resist the 'DESTROY IT!" urge to get the bird to stop biting me. 


Not the best thing to occur right before my break. *exhales*

But hey, the pet parent has their nice pretty evil birdy that they can take home and I'll hopefully never have to deal with it again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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