Thursday, September 3, 2020


It's amazing how many customers struggle with the simple concept of "put it back where you found it."

I had to face my department moreso than usual today because we were doing inventory tonight and we needed all our product to be in the proper locations. 

Which meant constantly walking along the aisles making sure that everything was in it's spot and was neatly lined up.

And it was frustrating because I could literally get done with a section and come back to it five minutes later and find half a dozen things were now out of line or put in the wrong spot.

It really felt like if a customer even glanced in the direction of the aisle that things would get messed up.

But seriously.

How hard is to put things back where you found them?

I watched people dither over items.

Trying to decide between one style and the next.

And then whatever choice they made...they'd leave the other  options scattered about.

Or else would push other product to the side to make room for them to lay their choices down on the shelf so they could better 'see' them....


It was frustrating.

So frustrating. 

No wonder I don't like facing until after we close.

It's like a never ending task otherwise. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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