Tuesday, December 22, 2015

MLAARE -Arriving Today

I was taking a break at work today.
When one of my coworkers came in to the break room and was like "Oh! There you are Sarnic, you have a guy here looking for you."
A guy?
Looking for me?

At first all I could think of was that my brother had dropped by again for a visit though I would have no idea why he'd be back down this way.

Was it a customer? Maybe they had more questions, or wanted help from me specifically for some reason.
Though since the store had just barely opened....it seemed highly unlikely.

So a guy.
Some guy asking specifically for me.

The only other person I could think of.
Was the guy that delivers us our shipments of animals.
But I wasn't expecting him until tomorrow.
As he said he'd be coming that day when I asked him last week when he was coming.

But when I opened the door to leave the breakroom,
there were the boxes of animals.
And soon after, the guy who delivers them.

Apparently he was supposed to have come yesterday. :S
But he can only travel so much before he has to stop and rest.
And yesterday the heads of his company said he had to stop and rest.
Which was good for me.

Because today is actually the day that we prepare our back rooms for receiving our new animals. Which usually show up two days later.
But in situations like this.
They sometimes come early.
So we try and be prepared ahead of time so we're not scrambling if they show up before they should.
We were prepared.
All the cages were set up and such.

So I didn't have to scramble to get anything ready. :)

Yay for being on top of things! lol.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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