Tuesday, December 1, 2015

MLAARE -Escaped and Found

We had a lizard escape from work the other day.....
Meaning like...two weeks ago, really.

Where I was doing an inventory of our animals and realized we were missing one.
Naturally I assumed it had died or something.
Or possibly even accidentally walked out of the store without going through our registers. (who knows how accidental that could have been.)
So I adjusted our numbers and thought nothing more of it.

But then I came into work a couple of days ago.
To an odd sight of one of our cages on the floor by our second register.

Obviously, it was meant to catch something.
But I had no idea what it could be, because I didn't think anything had gotten loose....
But obviously some sort of reptile had by the set up.

A quick consultation of notes left on our communication board
Told me that a customer had spotted a leopard gecko disappearing underneath register two, in the crack there.

Which explained why the whole set up was by register two.
To try and catch the leopard gecko.

I didn't think it would work though.
I mean, there are plenty of places to hide in our store.
We had another leopard gecko survive basically a whole year in our store (as he escaped.) before we found him stuck to a trap and rescued him.

Not to mention I doubt he would have stayed under the register when the store finally emptied out.

In any case.
Today, I got a call up to the register.
Where I was greeted by my greenie coworker who had....
The missing leopard gecko in her hands!

Apparently a customer had found him.
Where and how, I didn't get the chance to ask.
But the important thing is.
We found him!

Poor thing was kinda cold and skinny.
Wherever he was hiding out it was obviously not near the escaped cricket hangouts as he seemed rather skinny.

Hopefully he survives this adventure of his.
We'll see. :D He seems to be doing well enough at the moment....just needs to fatten himself back up again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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