Wednesday, December 16, 2015

MLAARE -Naughty List

I don't like this time of year for one simple reason.
Because people like to surprise other people with animals as presents.
And more often than not, the animal ends up suffering because of it.

-Okay, not strictly true, A lot of people will randomly find/comeacross/get animals and want to take the best care of it possible.

But during the Christmas Season...not always true.

Six days ago.
My Coworker sold our Tarantula to a guy who said he was getting it for his friend.
She did the standard questions.
Asking if he had a set up and everything.
Which the customer said that his friend did.
He was just here to pick it up.

So she sold the tarantula not thinking anything more about it.

To have a totally different guy come in last night.
With the Tarantula.
Saying that he couldn't take care of it.
-It was a White Elephant Gift!! *blazing eyes* *fury. full of fury*
And that the spider creeped him out, so he was returning it.


And you know what?
In that FIVE day period.
The poor spider hadn't had any water. Hadn't had any food!
He'd been trapped in the small temporary container we put the spiders in for that entire period!!

Oh, to hear my coworker (the same one who sold him.) talk about it.
She put in like six crickets and the spider downed two of them in like two seconds. She put in water and the spider literally ran to it to get a drink.

You usually don't feel bad for spiders.
But the Poor Spider!!
No creature deserves to be treated in such a manner!
He's lucky to be alive!

>.< Ugh.
That customer is on the naughty list for sure. For years and years and years to come. >.<

-Sarnic Dirchi

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