Friday, December 4, 2015

MLAARE -Transaction Trials

It was one of those days where I felt like I was stuck on the register for most of my shift.
I wasn't.
But it sure felt like it.
I kept getting called up to help back up cashier for the cashier there in order to keep the lines from being too long.

Unfortunately one of those transactions I ended up taking forever on.
As I had a woman come up to the register wanting to return everything she'd just purchased because she'd forgotten to use a coupon she had that would give her 15% off her entire purchase.

I'm of the mind set where I want to help you save as much money as possible.
So I was willing to do what she requested.
Didn't think it would take that long,

But after I returned the items, rescanned them...and then tried to use the coupon, it wouldn't let me...

Turns out -after consulting with a manager- that I had to return the items. Finish that transaction -aka give her her money back.- And then rescan everything in a new transaction. Then I was able to use the coupon to get her her discount.

*shakes head* For some reason she wasn't willing to give the cash back that I'd given her...instead choosing to swipe her card again. Apparently she needed cash?

While I was trying to figure out what was going wrong and how to fix it. (System updates always mess with me since I'm hardly on the register.)
The woman, turned to the lady that was standing in line behind her.
And offered her an extra coupon she had that would give the woman 15% off of her purchase as well. (as you can only use one per transaction and the discount expires this weekend.)
Which I thought was super sweet of her to do.
To give the woman waiting compensation for having to wait so long while we figured out the process.

It reminded me of a few years ago, when I had the same situation happen to me.
I was standing in line in a craft store, and a woman in front of me gave me a coupon to save 40% on my purchase, which was amazing because I was rather strapped for cash at that point in time. So to save a little extra money to use elsewhere was super helpful!

So glad to see that there are people still willing to do that. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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