Thursday, December 3, 2015

MLAARE -Zombiefied

Zombie crickets are always fun to work with.
Not that they're actually zombies.
But that's basically what they are after they've been frozen and then thaw and come alive again.

I got in a shipment of crickets today.
A much needed shipment,
As my shipment yesterday came in all dead.
Which isn't good,
as we Hadn't had a cricket shipment in over a week.
Which meant that we were really super low on crickets.

-In fact, this morning when I came in, we were completely out of crickets of both sizes.

So I desperately needed this shipment of crickets to be good.

Guess what.
It wasn't good.

I knew right off the bat it wasn't good, when the delivery came in.
Because the boxes were cold to the touch.
If the boxes were cold to the touch, that meant that the contents inside would be as cold if not colder to the touch.

And Crickets do not like Cold.

My suspicions were confirmed when I opened up the boxes.
Motionless crickets resided inside.
Because no heat packs were provided to keep them warm.
So they just got colder, and colder and now...
For all intents and purposes....they were dead.

It was possible that the crickets would revive.
As sometimes when they get too cold, they go into hibernation instead of dying.

Yesterday's shipment totally died.

So I wasn't hopeful about today's shipment at all.

But, I didn't just toss them all in the garbage and call it a day.
No, in the winter, we usually give the shipment a few hours to 'rejuvenate.'
Just in case the cold temperatures happened in the manner that hibernates the crickets instead of killing them.

And lucky me.
It was the hibernation most of the crickets chose.
So a few hours later,
After they had warmed up,
I looked again.
And the crickets were up and moving around.


That was very very very good.
Because like I said, I was completely out of crickets.
So I desperately needed this shipment to at least have some live crickets in it.

Thankfully. Live ones I got.
Who knows how long they'll stay alive, I'll have to see what the damage is tomorrow.
But at least my dead crickets came back to life for a bit! :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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