Tuesday, December 29, 2015

MLAARE -Cricket Squandered

It's been a busy past couple of weeks.
Due to the Holiday season and all the shoppers flooding in wanting stuff.
Which means, in the chaos of customers, being short staffed, and trying to get the bare basics done before leaving work...
Some things fall by the wayside.
To be ignored until time was once again found to do those things.

Today was one of those days.
Where I could actually do some of the 'extras' without worrying about being able to finish everything else.

You see, we get our Cricket shipments in in two ways.
Boxed by the thousands to place in our bins to bag up in however many numbers customers want.
And prepackaged crickets that are 'to go' boxes that have like 24 crickets in them per box.

The thing about the prepackaged crickets is...that usually they need to be checked every week.
To see if there were still 24 alive crickets in them.
And if there aren't, either toss them or fill them back up.
Recently we've been going the "fill them up" route.
But more recently....we haven't had time to touch those prepackaged crickets.

So they've sat.
And died.
And sat.
and died some more.

But today!
I had time because we got our other tasks done earlier than the recent normal, and there were hardly any customers in the store to pull me away.
To take those prepackaged boxes.
and actually go through them.
And fill them back up, put in fresh crickets, fresh food.
So I could tell customers to just grab one. So that I wouldn't have to bag up crickets. lol.

Oh. Such a sweet feeling to have that option again!
I no longer (until next week.) have to explain why the prepackaged crickets are mostly dead. (because we haven't had the time to go through them.)

So glad to get that finally accomplished. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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