Tuesday, May 3, 2016


I don't understand people sometimes.
Especially pet owners.

Especially pet owners that suddenly abandon their pets.

A Good Samaritan, a truck driver.
Came into our store this morning.
With a cat carrier.

Inside of it?
Were two cats.

Apparently as he was running his truck route.
He'd found the two kitties in a box, abandoned in an alleyway.

Someone had just left them there.

Which is even more depressing, because they were tame, friendly, had nice good coats that showed that they had had owners who had taken care of them.

Why they were abandoned....who knows.
Perhaps the original owner died and nobody wanted to take care of them....

But whatever the reason.
There are sooo many better options than just leaving them outdoors with no food or water or knowledge of how to survive outside!

I mean, there are tons of shelters and pounds, and willing people to take in cats. Even an online ad could help!

But leaving them?! So. Cruel!

Unfortunately, the truck driver couldn't take them in.
So he brought them to us.
Even more unfortunate.....company policy is that we cannot accept in any animals that don't come through the 'official' means. -for cats that would mean the adoption groups we partner with.

I wish we could have taken them in.
They were gorgeous cats.

But instead, we had to call Animal Control, and let them know that we'd had two cats abandoned at our store.
And so off they went with Animal Control....to who knows what fate. :( Poor things.

I wish I could have taken them in. I really do. But my apt doesn't allow cats, nor would some of my roommates approve even if I could. Y_Y

It makes me wish that our store would soften it's 'no animal drop off' policy.
Especially with cats and dogs.
Because if we're trying to get homeless pets homes by partnering with adoption groups...
why can't we take in cats and dogs and then just send them over to the adoption group to ensure that they're healthy have all their shots, and are fixed?

I don't understand. :(

Hopefully the kitties find forever homes. *fingers crossed*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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