Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Near Tumble

My coworker nearly died the other day.

So, along our fish wall, we have these ladders, that slide along a groove, so that we can reach into the top level of our tanks to catch fish.

Well, my coworker had gotten on the latter, and was fishing out a fish for a customer.

And unknown to her, the customer's child had taken the chain that we usually have hooked across the ladder to discourage customers and their children from climbing up the ladder themselves....and hooked it back across the stairs of the ladder.

My coworker didn't see this.
And so when she stepped down to get off the ladder.
She hit the chain, and it overbalanced her.
:S Ah!

She fell backwards.
And threw the fish/container she'd been holding away, in a desperate attempt to save herself.
So container/fish go flying across the floor.
As her grasping hands found salvation. She grabbed onto one of the side bars of the ladder.
Saving herself from hitting head first on the concrete floor.

My coworker had just nearly seriously injured herself.
And the customer....
Was upset that she'd thrown the fish on the ground! "Well, why on earth did you do that?!" She cried.
And my coworker was like "Did you not see me just almost die?" (she played nice and didn't say that but was totally thinking it.)

But honestly. >.< Some customers.
Yes, the fish had to take a tumble, but at least my coworker didn't.

And to make it worse....the evil little brat who put the chain across the ladder? Just stood there and laughed.

Obviously child doesn't fall far from the mother tree.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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