Monday, May 9, 2016


For the past few months....since like last year (so 5 months now?)
I haven't been able to scrub tanks with both my hands.
Because my left arm has had problems that I don't want to make worse by putting it in fish water.

So I've had to scrub with just one hand....when I have to scrub.
Usually I can get away with not scrubbing tanks because I have other coworkers who do it for me.

But today....
My coworker was being overly paranoid.

As she doesn't want to get the same problem I have.
-Which in all honesty, was a rather freak thing, the wrong set of circumstances colliding in the right time.

And it's not like it's a common occurrence. It's the first time it's happened to me in like 4 years. So not common.

But she had injured her hand while she was cleaning cages today.
-A task that took her five hours for some reason when it was only like a 2 hour job. *shakes head* Granted it was her first time doing that particular task.

In any case. She'd cut her hand.
So when I gave her the task to scrub the tanks.
Because I didn't want to have to scrub them one handed....

She didn't do it.
Because she didn't want to catch the same infection I did.
-Which was from a burn not a cut. *shakes head*

Which I can understand.

What I can't understand....
Is why she didn't just use her other uninjured hand to scrub the tanks.

Why she thought it was alright to have me scrub tanks.
When she knows I have a problem with one arm where I can't scrub tanks or risk my infection coming back (as its still healing). Which would mean that I would have to scrub handed.

Which I did.
But still. Still I sometimes wonder if I'm the only one who thinks of more than one solution to a problem in my dept.
Honestly, why couldn't she have scrubbed tanks with one hand? Did it not occur to her? Did she not think that she could? I mean it's a lot easier to scrub tanks when you can switch between hands, but its not impossible to scrub with just one. *shakes head*


-Sarnic Dirchi

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