Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Achy Thumb

So, my thumb was randomly aching today at work.
And I couldn't fathom for the life of me why.
But I figured I'd just somehow jammed something under the nail, like I'd done with my other thumb a couple of weeks ago.
But it seemed like the pain was just getting worse.
So I finally took a better look at it.
And there, jammed under the nail, poking straight into the skin, was a nearly white colored piece of hay. So light it blended in pretty well with my fingernail so a quick glance would have made it impossible to see.
I pulled it out.
And ah. Instant relief from the achiness that I'd been experiencing there.
Kinda crazy how long it had been there. A couple of hours probably.
But at least I noticed it in the end. :)
And thankfully my thumb isn't aching like the other one did when I did something similar.
So even better! :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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