Saturday, May 14, 2016

Salty Words

So, there I was, talking with my roommate and her fiancé.
As they'd come into the store to check out the fish tanks and the fish we had available.
As they want to get a small fish tank after they're married and in their apartment.

So I was going over some of the details and showing them tanks.
Chatting with them.

When I heard from behind.

"Can I get some help over here?!"
Said in a way that one of my coworkers described as 'salty'
You know the tone. The "I expected to be helped two seconds ago and no one has come to my beck and call" type of voice.

I didn't understand.

As she saw that I was talking with a customer. -She couldn't have known that I was talking to my roommate....

In reality I should have just said "be there in a minute" and ignored her for another two or three minutes to 'finish' with my roommate aka finish with a customer.

But I'm all too eager to try and please.
So I went over there, got her crickets as fast as I could and sent her on her salty way.

Still slightly irritated.

I don't like it when customers interrupt me when I'm chatting with other customers.
I mean, if it was with coworkers that's understandable.

But when I'm with a customer 9/10 times its because I'm helping them. I'm talking to them to get more information from them and to teach them about what they need to know to take care of a pet.

Yet some just seem to assume that I'm just 'wasting time'
When I'm not. I'm actually working, and I can get to them when I get to them.
There's no need to force yourself into the front of the line.... *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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