Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Water Bottles

There are days when I really question if I can ever leave the department alone for any amount of time.
Because sometimes it feels like I get back from my day off....and find everything in chaos.

I literally spent much of the morning of opening tasks asking myself. "Why?!"
Like literally. Why? What happened? WHY? Could you not? How in the world? Why!

We have specific metal things to hold our water bottles into place, so a) the animals don't knock them over and b) they give water without leaking over everything in the cage.

I came into work, and found that in one of our back rooms.
There had been a water bottle placed into one of the cages....but not in the normal holder. O.o

It had been jimmy rigged together....
With two clips.
Clips used to hold the lids on cages down to the cage so reptiles like snakes can't push up the lid and escape.

Yah, someone had used two of them in order to get the water bottle to hang in the cage.
Why in the world they didn't ask someone where all the extra metal water bottle holders were....I have no idea....
I applaud their creativity on getting the water bottle to hang up.
But I couldn't let it stay, so I went to get an actual water bottle holder, and replace the clip setup.

Only to find....
Like ten minutes later as I moved onto the main floor to make sure all the animals there had food and water....
That one of our water bottles from the back rooms....had been placed inside one of the hamster cages.
Which sure, it worked....
But it was the wrong size!
We have two different sizes of water bottles.
A larger size for the floor.
A smaller size for the backroom....
Why they didn't go track down extras....who knows....
Again, at least they didn't leave them without water....

Still I have to wonder what people were thinking....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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