Tuesday, December 27, 2016

10 Lil Fishies

My favorite customers showed up at work today. :)
The couple that bought the 125 gallon tank on Black Friday -same as me-

I'd actually been expecting them to show up over the weekend on Friday or Saturday.
As the gentleman had told me they were going to bring in their grandchildren to pick out fish for their tank sometime during the weekend.

But apparently that didn't work out, due to schedules and such.
Which was why they showed up today.
With ten of their thirteen grandchildren in tow. lol
Which was a rather adorable sight to see all the kids of different ages.

To see them soo excited to pick out a fish that they could call their own and have in their grandparent's tank.

It's rather lucky that they decided to show up today....
As...technically I was supposed to work today.
But I'd switched shifts with a coworker so that today was supposed to be my day off, while tomorrow I would work my coworker's shift.
However, my coworker ended up sleeping through their alarm, so I ended up getting called in to cover the shift that I should have been working in the first place. lol.

I'm guessing this is part of the reason why.
So I could help my favorite customers pick out their fish and ensure that they would get fish that would get along with each other.

To say it was a bit chaotic is a little bit of an understatement.
Keeping track of 10 kids and making sure that each one had picked out a fish.
Not to mention that we also had to pause with each fish caught so that the child could have their picture taken with the fish and the tag saying what kind of fish it was.

But it was fun.
Not stressful at all.
They'd come when it was slow.
So I wasn't worried about making other customers wait.
And the kids were so excited, and grateful that it made it all worth it. :)

lol definitely glad I had work today. ^^
Hopefully their fish do well as well....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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