Wednesday, December 21, 2016

A Day Early

It wasn't surprising that I had to play 'catch up' at work today.
I mean, being gone for multiple days in a row?
Definitely a set up for something to go wrong while I'm gone and me have to hurry and try and fix it when I get back.
Also taking into account that it's the week before Christmas?
It just means that Chaos is to be expected lol.

And that chaos included a newbie opener....which means things get done slower.
But also...surprise shipments.

Every day at work we have certain cleaning tasks that need to be done. Some remain the same, others vary by the day.
Yesterday the morning task was to clean up the 'over flow' area for our pets.
Where we stick the new pets for observance and any pets we can't fit out onto the floor.

Since we're already cleaning back there, we also take the time to prepare the room for the animals that will be arriving in a couple of days.
We used to do it the day before.
But due to sometimes inconsistent shipping days (usually thanks to Holidays) they sometimes show up early.
So, we prepare early.

Or... I guess I prepare early.

Since I'm usually the one in charge of the cleaning tasks.
And since I wasn't there to remind my coworker about prepping....

They didn't end up preparing fresh cages for the animals we were expecting to come in this week.

And I had no idea when I would have time to do said prepping with everything else I already had to do.

I was hoping that the shipment would make its usual delivery on the morrow. Since Christmas is on Sunday... I was hoping it wouldn't effect this week's shipment that much.

But I wasn't at all surprised to see the delivery guy show up today.

Which...if my coworker had been on top of things yesterday....wouldn't have been an issue.
but today since we were unprepared. I had to scramble to get the cages ready so that we could quickly move the animals into their temporary cages until we can put them out onto the floor.

Talk about stress in the morning lol.
Thankfully it all worked out.
Still....maybe I need to have my coworkers do a bit more of the opening cleaning tasks in the future so they don't forget certain steps....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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