Friday, January 27, 2017

Look! The Colors.

I had a gentleman come into the store today, specifically looking for Angelfish and Gouramis, to which I showed him where they were.
He then proceeded to ooo and awww over the fish. O.o
"Whoa! Look at that!"
"Whoa! See those colors."
"Whoa! You carry _____?!"

It was one of those situations where he was so excited to see the fish, to the point I had to wonder if he'd ever walked into a Starsmet before....
Because the fish he was oooing over...we've always had.....
But I guess this particular batch was more vibrant and varied than he'd been expecting?
*shrugs* Who knows.

I do know that his happiness and excitement was contagious. lol. To the point I didn't mind that he ended up not buying any of the fish he oooed and awed over for twenty minutes. When you see someone happy.
It's a wonderful feeling to be able to participate in it. ^^

-Sarnic Dirchi

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