Friday, January 13, 2017

The Morning Call

It was one of those rare days where I was scheduled to come into the store later than normal. Like literally I was scheduled to come in just as we opened our doors officially to customers.

I walked in the doors and waved to my coworker who'd already been there for a couple of hours -when I would usually come into the store- and saw that she was already on the phone with a customer.
(gotta love those early morning callers)

I didn't think much of it as I went to clock in.
But like thirty seconds after I'd clocked in for my work shift, and was checking the schedule to see who was working where and when.
My coworker comes in and asks me if I've clocked in yet.
Which I had. I just hadn't had the opportunity to take off my coat and put away my bag yet.

She then asks me if I know anything about canister filters.
Which I know the basics of, though I've only cleaned them, I haven't set up a brand new one or anything.
But I have more experience with most things in the department than other people.
So I picked up the phone to answer the call that my coworker had put on hold.

It was a simple enough problem.
Guy had come in the night before and bought one of our canister filters for his new tank and was setting it up.
Only he got stuck on one of the steps. Not quite understanding what the wording was trying to convey.
Which from my understanding he just needed to 'prime the pump.' Or -use a small pump to get all the air out of the hoses and get water into said hoses, so that when you turn on the pump it's pumping water and not nothing.

lol. It was rather funny, as he read out the instructions. And it wasn't like I'd set up a pump before.
But thanks to me fiddling with the one canister filter that we have on one of our display fish tanks, I was able to piece together which step he was trying to complete. And explain to him the difference between the intake hose and the out take hose and why the compressor that would help to move the air out of the hoses needed to be on one side and not the other and what to do next etc.

I felt rather proud of myself after hanging up with that customer. lol As I was able to help and explain to him what he needed to do without even laying eyes on the product. :) Woot!

I hope it worked lol
At least he didn't call back while I was on shift, so I'm guessing it must be running smoothly now. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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