Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Still Cold

There's always a trend at work.
Where similar problems or wants pop up multiple times in a row.

This week's trend appears to be people who don't understand how to take care of reptiles.

As I had a customer come into the store today.
With questions about her Tortoise.

Her concern was that he wasn't really moving around much.
Which tortoises don't always move around, reptiles only are so active after all.

But if the customer was concerned that the tortoise wasn't moving around...
That's usually a dead give away that they're not warm enough.

So I asked the customer if they had heat.
Which it did.

But....its her set up that's the problem.

As you see.
She's keeping the tortoise in one of those Guinea Pig cages.
The ones with the plastic tray on the bottom and the wire cage above.
Which....isn't a big problem....
Except that she's keeping the tortoise in the basement, because she has a basement apt.
Which's colder there.
An open air wire cage would do better in a warmer upstairs environment.
Which could be fixed if she had the heat on in the apt.
But she doesn't.

So who knows how warm it actually is in her place. 50s? 40s? After all it's been cold enough to snow here.

*shakes head*
Yah, basically if she wants the Tortoise to move about, she's going to need to warm up the environment a bit more.
Either by turning up the heat in her apt. Buying stronger bulbs to bask on the tortoise, or buying a glass cage for the tortoise so that the heat is a bit more trapped so it can't leave the area as quickly as it can in an open air cage.

Hopefully it goes well for her and the tortoise. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

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