Wednesday, October 18, 2017

If Memory Serves

So...I tend to have a knack for randomly remembering numbers and such. 
Like if I count something, I tend to remember that number even though I don't usually need to remember it longer than about five seconds or so.
Still. if I count something Monday, I could still tell you on Thursday what it was.
"Oh yah, this cage had 11 blue parakeets in it. That hamster cage had three Russians in it, oh no we had only like 12 ghost shrimp Monday." 

It was slightly different today. 

So in the morning my department comes in and faces our section of the store before we go do anything else. Which usually ends up being me because I'm almost always the first one in my department.
It also happened to be a day where the stockers were working on moving product around, and stocking shelves because our truck had come in.

So I was in the middle of doing a task, when the stocking manager was like. "Hey Sarnic, which fish tanks are we missing?" 

Which, he was referring to our Tank/Stand combos that are on the first aisle of my department. 
Because they're big and heavy, I don't usually have to 'face' them because...well they don't move. 
I mean, I do glance at that section, just to make sure other product hasn't ended up there. But it's not like I'm focused entirely on which tanks we do and don't have in stock there currently.

I wasn't even by the tank/stand combos when the manager asked me the question. Still I mentally conjured up a picture of what I recalled seeing this morning and told him. "We're missing the 60 gallon and the 65 gallon combos."

He blinked at me surprised. "Okay." And went to go check to see if any came in on the truck, while I wandered off to make sure I had remembered correctly.
I had.
Yay me. :D 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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