Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Land or Water?

I had a customer approach me today asking if we had any turtles.
Which...honestly...I can see why they would head over to the fish wall if they're looking for aquatic turtles...because there's water all over there....but really...why they never look in the reptile section...I don't quite know. 

In any case.
I asked them in return if they meant Land Turtles or Aquatic Turtles.
Because people usually refer to either one as Turtles...even if the land ones are Tortoises so I have to double check to make sure I'm showing them the right turtle they're looking for....even though they're in the same spot. The Tortoises's cage being right above the Turtle's cage. 

And the customer was like "Land." 
So I was like "Alright." 
And I lead them to the turtles and pointed to the top cage -which had bark and such in it designating it as the Tortoise cage and said "those are the land turtles." and in case the customer actually wanted the aquatic turtles pointed to the cage below it -which had water and rocks in it. and said "these are the aquatic turtles." 

And the customer leaned in and was like. "Which one is which?" 

To which....I had a moment of confusion. 
Like...isn't it obvious which one is which?
The top cage doesn't have water, the bottom cage does have water. 
So it should be obvious that the top cage is for Land Turtles and the Bottom cage would be for Aquatic Turtles....unless you know the person didn't realize that the bottom cage held water?
*shakes head*

In any case.
I had to repoint to the cage and go "This is the land, this is the water." 

All in all....
Very weird exchange as the customer was more concerned about the size than anything else...and kinda just left afterwards... *shakes head*

Just a weird exchange for sure. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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