Wednesday, December 27, 2017

A Trial in Info

I had a customer call on the phone today.
Starting the conversation with the words: "I adopted a cat from you guys like 3 months ago."

Which is basically never a good way to start a conversation as 9/10 times this sort of sentence starter means that the person is looking to get rid of the cat.

Which was the case with this customer.

As they'd adopted the cat, and apparently have been grooming it twice a day on a daily basis....
-Which may be....a bit too much? Really....I think that's probably too much....
But the fur keeps shedding off the cat. And the customer can't really take it anymore.

*shakes head*
Which...cats shed yes....but honestly? You want to return the cat because of that?
Like I could understand if it was allergies or something....but with all furry have to be prepared for them to shed. And shed constantly.
Its not something that's just going to stop one day. *shakes head*

In any case.
The customer remembered that if they encountered any problems with the cat they adopted they could bring it back to us and we'd take it.

Which was almost correct.
Starsmet itself doesn't accept cats back once they've been adopted.
But the adoption groups themselves will. 
As we partner with specific adoption groups to get their cats adopted out, and often the adoption groups have a clause where if the person who adopts a cat of theirs can no longer take care of it, they want you to contact them so they can take the cat back and help it find another home.

The problem in this case?
The customer had no idea which adoption group they adopted from.
Which isn't surprising, it's a common occurrence, but not to worry, it says on the paperwork they filled out which group they adopted from.

....But the customer for some stupid reason had neglected to grab the paperwork when they were leaving the store with their cat. 
Which granted, their reason of 'wanting to keep the cat contained'" is a good one....but you should have come back ASAP to grab the paperwork!!!! >.< Gah. 
After all that had records of the rabies and the vaccinations and all that sort of stuff. 
Plus the name of the adoption group....
*shakes head*

But the customer had neglected to do so.
Which meant I really had no means of knowing which group the customer needed to contact.

So I asked them what month they'd got the cat in.
As we switch groups every month so I could guess off of that and give the customer the right groups phone number.
Only....the customer had no idea. 
(Honestly I was beginning to wonder if this person paid attention to life at all or if the fact that their cat was shedding distracted them from all other information.) 
So I ended up giving the customer both numbers for each group so they could contact them.

And it would make it easier if the customer knew the name of the cat....
Only, yah, no surprise here, the customer had no idea what the cat used to be called. (as they'd changed the name) 

And the customer was like "Don't you keep records?" 
And the answer The adoption group could possibly, but we don't keep records of the vaccinations on paper anymore. It's electronic and sent straight to wherever its sent to and we can't access it. 
"Do you happen to still have that paperwork I left?" 
No? It's been 3 months. It either was grabbed by the adoption group, accidentally thrown away or who knows what else could have happened to it. 
*shakes head* 

In any case....the customer ended up with the phone numbers to both groups....
So it's their problem now to try and figure it out.
Which's going to be like finding a needle in a haystack.
No name, no records, no idea when you got it, just the cat.....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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