Sunday, December 24, 2017


It was odd to see a man in a work uniform walk into the store that I didn't recognize.
I mean, considering i just met our new Pet Trainer and had no idea we'd gotten one until I saw him on the register like two days ago....I wouldn't put it past my managers to hire more people...though it would be odd to do so the day before Christmas.

But no.
This wasn't a new coworker for my store.
This was a manager of our Sister Store.

Who'd been sent down to our store on a mission.
To get more Pet Boxes.

As when we sell animals -specifically birds and small pets (and some of the larger reptiles) 
We put them in a box with holes in it (so the animal can breath but can't escape) 

Which isn't fun when you're needing to box up an animal...
and come find out that you don't have any boxes. :S 

Which, I got rather tired of that happening to our store.
(We've had to borrow from our sister store a lot) 
So I made an effort to have a surplus of boxes on hand.
Just so that I can ensure that we don't have to worry about running low.
(Doesn't always work when the supplier of said boxes is randomly out of stock on them...and our supply dwindles) 

But yah.
The manager of our sister store dropped by to grab more boxes.
lol though funnily enough he didn't know how many boxes or what size of boxes he needed.

After a call to the work to check in.
I ended up giving him two sets of our small boxes and one set of our large boxes (approx. 25 in a pack) 
To hopefully help them survive the Christmas craze until they can get their own supplies in.
(I have no idea how busy it was for them...but it was a slow start for us today, considering it was Christmas Eve.) 

And thankfully.
I have more than plenty leftover boxes that I'm not too worried about us running out.
Though...i probably am going to ensure we order some boxes next time we do a supply order.
...Just to be on the safe side. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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