Thursday, December 14, 2017

Help Right Now

You gotta love the people who walk in the store and demand your help immediately and expect you to help them right then. 
So an older gentleman walked into the store. One of those "I know what I want and you're going to help me get it now." sort of guys. 

And what did this guy want?
He wanted our largest dog home. 
Which we happened to have a ton of them stacked at the front of the store.
So he had me follow him to the largest one we had. 
And he was like "This is your largest one right?"
And I was like "I believe so."

His response was... to give me 'that look' and then demand. "Do you believe so or do you know so?" 

Which can I just say I hate that sort of response?
Like. Dude, I gave you an answer. I get that you want to know for sure that it's the largest one.
But I don't give definite answers if I don't know the answer. 
It's that same sort of thing of  "Can I?" "I don't know Can you? Or May you?"
*rolls eyes*

In any case.
I responded with "I believe so." because I wasn't about to go and say "I know so" and then have me be wrong. 
But being the good employee I am, I offered to go look in the back and double check to make sure that it was the largest one we carried. "It's just going to take me a couple of minutes to check as I have to walk to the back of the store."

To which he was like "If it's too far for you, it's fine."
Which *eye twitch* Condescending much dude? 
It's not a major issue for me to walk to the back of the store and then come back up front. I do it all day long. It's nothing to think about. I was only telling you for the sole purpose of "This won't take two seconds so don't get mad at me if it takes a bit because I have to walk to the back of the store because you insisted I double check that this is the largest dog home we have." 
But instead I was like. "No, it just means you'll be waiting for a bit." 

Go figure. It was our largest dog home.
And just to make sure he got out of the store and out of my hair as quickly as possible.
I took him to a separate register, rung him up as quickly as I could, and then had a manager help me carry the kennel out to his car so he could get on his way.

The bright side....
Is that I had climbed into his truck to make sure the home was situated properly and the dude offered a hand to help me back down.
So hey. There's that.

Just kinda wish he hadn't been so demanding and a tad bit condescending the rest of the time. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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