Saturday, December 16, 2017

Barking Help?

I had a weird customer experience today.
Where it was a woman who was trying to find a solution for her dogs. 

But she was just....idk....weird. 
Like it was like she wanted me to try and guess what she was thinking. She wanted me to find a solution for her without her giving me any details to help her find the solution.
All the while she was being self-deprecating.
"i'm sorry I'm such a difficult customer." 

"You're probably really tired of me."
"I'm one of those customers you don't like." 

Which I'm always the type of person to jump to reassure someone that they're fine.
But this lady was sure making it difficult to put a positive spin on things. 

In any case.
Originally she asked for help with two muzzles. The cloth kind.
Asking which size would fit her dogs the best. 
She'd grabbed an XL and an Intermediate.
So I was like "What kind of dogs do you have." 
And she was like a Lab and a Pitbull.
The lab was easy to figure out. It would need the xl cus it's a large dog.
but the pitbull I had no idea...their faces are slightly different. So I wasn't sure whether it would fit an xl as well or the intermediate. 
So I tried to get a better idea by asking her about the shape of the pitbulls head. Because I wasn't sure...and she was like "I don't know!" and I'm like. "Well is it this big or this big?" holding my hands out to try and size it. 
She never gave me a straight answer.
So I couldn't give her a straight answer back. 
And I was like "Maybe you need a large for the pitbull" to which she gave me this look of "You're an idiot" and told me. "You're out of the large." 
*rolls eyes* 
Well. Sorry I didn't know that. But it makes sense why you grabbed intermediate and XL now. 

And somewhere in the middle of that she was like "Yah the pit tears through these soo easily, I've bought like six of them now." 

O.o Huh?
"what are you using these for." Was my next response.
And she was trying to use them to keep her dogs from barking...
Which the muzzles she was only really want to have them on the dog for like maybe 20 minutes. They're not a permanent thing. 
So it's no wonder the pit was able to get out of them and maybe destroy them, because it's not meant to be a longterm thing. It stresses out a dog to have the muzzle on for long periods of time.

So I tried suggesting a bark collar.
Which she'd already tried before. Her neighbors had given her one -in a polite "your dogs are too loud while you're at work" sort of way.- but the bark collar wasn't 'strong enough' it had ended up rubbing the dog's skin raw, because it wasn't effecting him at all. 
So I was like maybe try the Sonic Egg?
To which she was like "I HAVE!"
But for whatever reason she doubledbacked on that statement like two minutes later.
"Oh, maybe I haven't tried that." 
Because the sonic egg is a device that sends out a sound whenever it senses the dog barking and gets most dogs to stop barking. It has a high success rate in that I don't often have it returned. 
And if she's not home all day, it's a good thing to try and use for her dogs that doesn't involve collars. 

She was doubtful that it would work though.
So I was like "You could try one of the collars that sprays citronella if it senses the dog barking." To which she was like "My dog likes the taste of everything." 
>.< do you know if it likes this taste if you don't TRY IT?

But I reassured her that she had a guarantee with us that if it didn't work she could return the product with a receipt within 60 days. 

And with more circular and unhelpful chatting and information from her, I managed to convince her to get the sonic egg.
But she was just....ugh. Just a weird energy. The conversation with her was difficult because it was like she expected me to have all the answers, but wasn't giving me information to help her with the answers and then was putting herself down and was making snide comments to the side as well on how I felt about helping her and gah.
I hope I don't see her again.
Or if I do I don't have to help her because it was antagonizing. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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