Saturday, December 30, 2017

Being Helpful

It was my last customer of my shift.
A couple of women, who were looking for a specific lightbulb because the one they had had burnt out after 10 days.
The problem?
I no longer carried the lightbulb they needed to replace.
It was a tiny thing, like no bigger than the first joint of your thumb.

And I used to carry lightbulbs that looked like that.
But we stopped...a while. Maybe a year or so ago.

So I was going to chalk this interaction up to "Sarnic fails to help." 
because there are times where I just can' a customer.
Though I do my best to help every customer as best as I can....there are days where i Just can't.

Like this interaction. Where I couldn't help because I didn't have the product. 

Still. I was trying to turn it around. Make it positive.
Suggested other products the customer could use.
Found out the customer had dropped the lightbulb a couple of times trying to get it to work.
But was going to see if she could find another lightbulb first elsewhere before she bought a new lightbulb set up.

And then, since I knew that they were in the store looking at reptiles bulbs for their new leopard gecko...and usually because people who own reptiles usually end up buying bugs while they're in the store. I asked them if they needed any crickets or mealworms. 
To which they responded mealworms.
The larger size.
But since they hadn't been in the store before.
I grabbed both sizes of mealworms just to make sure I got them the right size. 

And the 'larger size' ended up being about the same size as the 'smaller size' 
So I recommended they get the smaller size because you got more for less. 
Small -50ct like $3.19
Large -35ct like $3.69 

And since they were basically the same size....I told them to get the smaller. 

Which she did.

And the woman was impressed? lol that I was helpful, and that i was happy, and that I was doing what I could to give them a better experience. 
She was like "Do you have a survey or a 1-800 number I can call as you are AMAZING!" 
lol. Which we don't. 
But she was like "You're amazing!" And "We're totally coming here from here on out!"
Which is the best sort of compliment when I can convince customers that they want to shop at my work because I'm there and I help them. ^^;;;

lol She ended up telling the cashiers who then told my manager over the radios that the customer thought I was amazing. ^^;;
Like awwwww

I love it when people compliment me at work.
Like I never know how to respond, but I love that people like me and want to compliment me for a job well done. ^^ 

Yay. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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