Saturday, July 14, 2018


This morning I had a customer and her family come into the store.
To buy a hamster.
I'm guessing for the young boy that they had with them. 

Which it was a normal interaction really.
The boy picked out which hamster he wanted. 
I gave them a few tips and suggestions on a couple other things to buy.
And sent them on their merry way.

For them to come back into the store like 3-4 hours later....
With the hamster dead. 


Most often the result would be that the people left the creature in the car and it go too hot.

But like...
When I got a closer look at the hamster.
That wasn't the case at all.

First off.
The hamster was soaking wet. 
Second. It's eyes were bugged out.
Third. It had wounds along it's body. 

Like. O.o 
What happened?!?

The story the customer told us is that they went home, put the hamster in the cage, and then left again.

And apparently while they were gone....the hamster somehow escaped its cage. Possibly through one of the tunnel holes? 
And climbed onto their fish tank....which the cage was apparently next too....

And when the family came home, they found the hamster floating dead in the fishtank. 

O.o had fallen in and drowned. 

Which if this is such an unlucky set of circumstances because like. How? Did the fish tank not have a lid? Did it squeeze into a gap between the filter and the hood and fall in? Like...I'd think the hamster would be smart enough to not fall into something.
But like all animals have their dumb moments.

And the wet body of the hamster would coincide with the story of it falling in the fishtank.

But like....why were there wounds on the body?
Were the fish in the tank trying to eat it? 

And the eyes being bugged out....
The last time I saw a hamster with eyes like that it was because it had been squeezed to death. (which both cases were not fun to see) 

My coworker was the one who dealt with the situation and told me that she could see the brains coming out of the hamster's eye, as well as when she felt the felt like it had been crushed. 

Which....falling in a fish tank and drowning...wouldn't result in a crushed skull....

So it is a bit suspicious the circumstances under how this hamster died.
Because like....the customers could be lying.

Like the boy hardly appeared fazed by the death of his new pet. 
Which granted, could be just shock, but he wasn't teary-eyed at all. 

But it's not like we could accuse customers of lying and such.
So with reluctance my coworker replaced the dead hamster with a new one -per our guarantee. 

>.> Though if they return the new hamster again....we're definitely not going to sell them another one.
Because like if they manage to have two healthy hamsters die within 24 hours....there's something wrong at the house....

*fingers crossed* that that doesn't happen though. :S 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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