Saturday, July 28, 2018

Purchased Again

A couple of weeks ago I had a customer come into the store to buy a Female Zebra Finch because he had a cage of finches where I think there was only one female and a couple of males.
So the guy wanted to even the odds a bit and get another female. 

Which I caught him one...

Only to have him return it a day or so later.
Because the female was being aggressive to the other female in the cage. 

-Which made sense. The particular batch of Zebras we got in....we ended up needing to isolate three other zebra finches -females- because they were being picked on in the main cage.

In any case.
Once the isolation period was up for the female (as we isolate animals returned to us to make sure they're healthy before putting them on the floor) we placed her back on the floor with a couple other males.

Tried to add in a couple more females, and I think one sold, while the other ended up having to be taken back off the floor because the female was being aggressive to her. 

So a couple of weeks pass.
With no one buying Zebra Finches -because we're apparently in a lull. 

And the dude comes in.
-He actually comes in a couple of times a week, not sure why. 

But today he came in as soon as the store opened.
Wanting a female zebra finch.

And I was like....Well....the one we have on the floor is the same one you returned to us.

-I knew because for whatever reason that finch didn't have a leg band on its leg. (they usually do) So I knew I'd already sold it to the guy once before.

So I was like Dude you might want another female, but it's pointless to buy the same one again that you returned.

He didn't mind though.
Because he'd gotten a different cage, with a female in it and he was wanting a companion female for her. As Zebra Finches do better in groups and he didn't want her to be alone, but everywhere else is out of zebra finches except us apparently. 

….Typing this out now....I'm realizing that I probably should have tried harder to convince him not to buy the bird....because she'd been known to pick on other females.
However...he'd known that when he purchased her the first that was why he returned her.

So I guess he's hoping a different cage situation would improve the chances of the female getting along with the other?
*shakes head*

Not sure.

But I definitely won't be surprised if he ends up returning her again. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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