Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Feed Them?

I had a customer come into the store today looking to buy crickets.
Only he wasn't so certain on how many he wanted to buy.
Because they apparently end up dying in 2-3 days.
So he bought 50 the first time and 30 the second time....so he was thinking he maybe wanted like 20? 

So as I was bagging up the crickets I was mulling over his problem.

Because yes. Crickets die.
But the only reason why they would die within 2 or 3 days is a) if the temperature in the home was too hot or cold for them.  Or....

I asked him: Have you been feeding them?

He was like: O.o The crickets? 

Ah. That was the answer. I could tell from his tone of voice that he hadn't considered the fact that the crickets would need food. 

"Yah." was my response. "They are living creatures after all, they need food and water too to do well." 

And I proceeded to give him some options of what foods the guy could offer to his crickets.
And hopefully...it would mean that they live a lot longer this time for him. ^^;; 

*shakes head*
It's amazing how consistently I encounter people who don't realize that crickets need to eat too....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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