Friday, July 6, 2018

For You

I helped a guy and girl out today, who were looking to adopt a kitty.
Not for themselves as I originally thought.
But the guy was looking to get a cat for his mom.
Because he was heading out on a mission in like...four days.
And she'd be the only one left in the house.
So he wanted to get her a cat so she'd have someone there with her while he was gone.

Which I thought was rather sweet!
Like. Awww a kitty to keep her company!!

The main thing was...they were surprising the mom with this cat.
So hopefully....:S He stays well behaved for her, and she loves him to pieces because the orange tabby they picked out was such a sweet kitty and loved to cuddle and I'm going to miss him tomorrow when I come into work. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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