Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Right Sized Cage

So for the longest time, like until this year, we would put together the bird cages that came into the store.
That way customers could take them home already assembled.
But in the past yearish, the company decided to change that.
We now have 'display cages' that are put together, with their 'need to be assembled' sellable counterparts sitting down below in their boxes. 
Which in reality, it should have been a one time thing to put together the display cages, but customers have this habit of wanting to purchase them. *shakes head*
In any case.

We aren't required to have them put together any more at work (besides the displays) 

Today though, I had a customer come into the store wanting to buy a parakeet for her grandson.

And she'd picked out the cage, which was still in the box.
Which I didn't think much of.

Until she asked me "It's already put together right?" 

To which I had to be like: O.o Ummm No?

The box was like 4 inches wide by 24 inches tall and like 18 inches wide? (I'm guessing at the numbers) But the main thing is the width.

Four inches definitely isn't wide enough for a bird to move around comfortably. 
Like the box was too narrow to be considered put together.
Yet for whatever reason this customer had thought the box contained a cage already assembled.

*shakes heads*

I ended up assembling the cage for her in the end, that way she wouldn't have to struggle to do so at home. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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