Thursday, September 20, 2018

Free Water Test

I had three guys come into the store today. College aged. Who were looking to get fish for their tank -I don't know if they ever did get fish....if they did my coworker helped them out.

But one of the guys...idk. He was acting off.
Well they kinda all were as college boys do.
But he was acting off in the sort of "I'm not sure you're processing the world right now." sort of way.

...Maybe he was an alien in disguise.

Or maybe he was just trying to be funny.
Who knows.

But like he pointed to a floating leaf in one of our tanks. (as there were live plants in that tank and one of the leaves had fallen off and was floating around) and was like "Look at this fish!"
To which one of his buddies was like "...That's a leaf."

And then later....
He had a question about the free water testing that we do in the store.
Which the free water testing is a thing where you bring us a sample of your tank water and we can tell you if you're tank is in a state where you can add fish or not. 

But the dude was like "What is this free water testing and can I have some?"
As in..."Where is this water I can taste test." 

Again. Not sure if he was teasing or not.
But I explained to him it was a test that we would do on his fish tank water for free.
And needed to clarify that we don't give out samples of our tank water to drink. 
:S Honestly, I don't think you'd want to drink fish tank water.....

But yah. It was a bit of an odd encounter today. *shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

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