Wednesday, September 19, 2018

One Box

I deal with customers sometimes....where I can't tell if they're genuinely upset, if they just have a loud voice, or if they're teasing....and it gets so frustrating because I automatically take it that they're upset. And it really doesn't help me at all, when I'm already struggling with a headache to have to deal with customers that you just...can't  make happy. It's draining.

So there was an older couple who came into the store.
They were looking for a specific box of litter, but had only managed to find one box on the shelf.
So they were wondering if I had any more in the back.

I checked.
We didn't.
So I went back to them and told them that that's all we had.
But that we might have more on our Saturday's truck.

And the grandpa dude just....gave off bad energy?
I don't know. It was like he was angry and he was speaking angry but I couldn't decide if he was angry.

But he wasn't happy that they 'drove all the way up here' only to find we didn't have the two boxes of cat litter that he needed. That we only had the one.

"In MY experience. You CAN'T Sell off the Wagon if YOU DON'T have product on the SHELF."

-Aka you can't make money if you have nothing to sell.

*rolls eyes*
Which dude.

He was making it sound like he had driven for four hours to get up here only to find one box.
(Be glad we had one) 
But no. The couple were from the end of the valley. Like...maybe a 20 minute drive tops?

*shakes head*
It's always that side of the valley that seems to complain about the drive here.
I don't get it.
But without fail. If a person has a "long drive" ….it's because they're from that part of the valley. 

*shakes head* Silly customers. I have people come from up to 4 hours away to get stuff. So a little 20 minute drive is hardly an issue.

In any case.

It's not like we can control how quickly a product sells off the shelf.
We'll literally have items that don't get touched for months on end only for one week them to all suddenly sell out.
So the fact that there was only one box of litter left on the shelf...
Is saying something because I know most of the time we have 3-8 boxes/bags of litter per sku.

But yah.
Customer dude wasn't happy they were only leaving with one box.
I told him we might get more in Saturday and that he can always call (grandpa folk never like to call) and see if we have it before he comes in.

He was like "How about you bring it down to me?"

-Because he was making it sound like he was never going to come up this way again. *rolls eyes*
Oh no.

Dude. Chill. it's a twenty minute drive.
That's nothing. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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