Monday, September 24, 2018

Online Phone Calls

I got a phonecall from store today at work.
Which was weird...I didn't realize there were people who like...worked for the online store?
I mean it's weird to hear "Hi, I'm from and there is a customer on the line who has a question about a product/service. Would you be able to answer it?" 

Like....what were they wanting?

So the person put me briefly on hold so that they could transfer to call over to me. 

And this guy comes on the line.
Saying that he's been doing his research and such online and saw this sale going on for neutering dogs and he wanted to see how much it would cost at the store. 

O.o Which...I'm not sure what site he was looking at....
But my store doesn' sales....on that sort of thing?
Like we do have a Vet within the store, but they're entirely separate from the petstore aspect. Have their own name and business and such.
So like...I didn't think they would do sales on that sort of thing.

But I told the customer I would check the price of neutering at the vet's for them and put them on hold.

Though before I did, I did double check how old the dog I remembered there being a difference in price (cus I've asked this sort of question before) if the dog was older or younger. 

The customer said the dog was about 2 years old.

So with that information I went over to ask the person at the desk the price.

The answer? $350 
*whistles* Yeesh. 

Considering the customer had said there was a 'sale' going on....
I doubted he'd be happy to hear this answer.

He wasn't. 


Honestly...I was wondering if he was even looking at the correct site. 
But in any case. I explained to him that the price of the neutering changes depending on how old the dog was. Which was why I asked the age of his dog. Since he was 2 years old instead of like a puppy. The price was different.

Which helped to calm him down a bit. Because he was like "Oh, so if my dog was a puppy it would cost less?" 

My answer was yes.
Pretty sure it was yes....I think it's cheaper to get them fixed when they're younger, but honestly I'm not positive on that. It's been a year or so since I've had to ask prices. 

But was an odd phone call. 
Hopefully I ended it on a good note for the customer....hopefully he finds a 'good deal' to get his dog fixed. 

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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