Tuesday, March 5, 2019

All of Them?

Had a customer come into the store today wanting to buy our red claw crabs.
She said "I only saw one in there, but if there's more I'll take them all."

So I went to look. 
And ended up finding seven total.

To which she said that she wanted like three of them.
But as I was going to grab a container for the crabs.
She changed her mind and wanted all seven.


I don't know why she wanted all seven.
But dutifully I went and caught them all. 
Even found an eighth one...but didn't get that one as it vanished inside a decoration and I couldn't get it out.

But yah.
That's a first that the customer wanted seven red claw crabs....

I hope they do her tank well....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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