Monday, March 11, 2019

"In Stock"

A customer called on the phone today mentioning that she'd been browsing our website and noticed that we had canaries in the store, and wanted to make sure that was correct.

Which I confirmed that we do indeed carry canaries, but that I didn't have any currently in the store. We would be out of them until next week.

And she got...kinda uppity at me? 
And stated that we needed to 'update our website' because it said we 'had them in stock.' and 'where could she find canaries if we didn't have them?'

I gave her the names of a couple local pet stores to try.
But honestly I don't go into their locations so I had no idea what they actually carry.

The irritating thing though was the fact that she wanted us to 'update our website'

Which made it pretty obvious that she didn't realize that the website is for ALL of our stores and not just our location. 
Like you can put in your zipcode and such and get the stores nearest to you.
But unless you specify the store there's no way to know what the stock is on each store.

The other irritating thing was that I had literally spent 2 and a half hours last night counting all our animals so IF the number of animals was actually listed on the website (which it's not) then it would have shown that we had no canaries in stock because I had literally confirmed not 14 hours earlier that we had none in the store.

What our website says when it comes to animals is that the animals are "available in store only." 
Which doesn't mean at all that we 'have them in stock'
It means that, unlike other products we sell in the store, you don't have the option of ordering the animal online and picking it up at the store.
It means that you actually have to go to the store and buy the animal there in person.
It by no means means that the animal you are looking at is currently available in the store. 

Yah...not the type of conversation I want to have first thing in the morning.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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