Thursday, March 28, 2019

Random Questions

Usually I don't mind when my coworkers ask questions.
Because it's good to teach them things and help them out.

But at times...I just get....idk...frustrated with their questions? 
Or more really, I get frustrated with their questions they have regarding concerns they have.
And like.
I get it. They want to look out for the animals and such.
But sometimes the questioning just makes me want to throw up my hands and go "I don't know! Stop overthinking it!"

Like today.
I was doing the bird bedding change,
And my coworker was there who'd never seen it done.

So I explained a bit of the process.
How we take out the tray and dump it out and spray it down and put fresh bedding in the bottom.
And then clean the inside of the cage as well.
Sweeping out any seed and such on the bottom of the cage, before wiping down the glass.

And my coworker was like "What do you clean the glass with? Water?"
Because they were aware you can't spray the cleaning agent we use directly in the bird cages as we don't remove the birds while cleaning so the cleaning agent could hurt them.
Therefore. We just spray a paper towel with the cleaning solution and wipe down the glass that way and then use another dry paper towel to make sure the glass is dry. 

But my coworker, after being told this was like "But aren't the fumes harmful to the birds? We shouldn't be cleaning with that if it is!" 

I've been doing this job for over Six years now.
I'm pretty darn sure that there isn't a strong enough fume scent to cause issues with the birds.

Like I could see the point.
But Just no.
I could see there being an issue if we were leaving the cleaning solution to sit.
But honestly it's like a five minute job at most to clean the glass. 
And if dried properly...I don't see an issue.
Especially because the cages are vented.'s not completely glass, the back half where we access the cages are just bars so air can circulate and such.

I didn't offer much of an explanation to my coworker as my brain just went blank because it's such an odd out of the world sort of question that I couldn't comprehend it.

But like....dude. It's fine. The animals are fine. Just clean the cage already and be done with it. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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