Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Fish Friends

Had a customer call on the phone today wanting to see if she could put another fish in with her betta fish, but also to make sure that she was taking care of the fish correctly.

As she'd come in yesterday and bought the betta and a one gallon tank, and she's never had a fish before and so wanted to make sure she was taking good care of him and wanted to see if she could get him a buddy.

The main problem with the conversation is that I don't think English was her first language? So the words I was saying...I'm not quite sure if I got the point across.

As I told her if the betta was only in a one gallon tank then it had to be by itself.
And if she wanted to put other fish in with her betta she would need to get a larger tank.
At least a 10 gallon is recommended. 

-She thought 10 gallons was too big though.

Still I told her a 10 gallon was recommended.
But bettas would be fine by themselves in a one gallon tank.
But no you couldn't put other fish in that tank with it.
As the betta would kill the other fish in that small of a space.
Plus a one gallon tank is only meant to hold fish anyways.

And yah.
Spent a good 10 minutes or so basically repeating myself in slightly different ways to try and get the point across....

Not sure I ever did....

But apparently my cashier remembers her from yesterday as well as when I mentioned how long of a phone call I'd just been on and that the customer was asking a lot of questions about Bettas.
My cashier was like "Did they come in last night?"
"Ooh I know just who you're talking about."

Unfortunately I couldn't delve in deeper to the topic because we both had customers interrupt us....

But yah. Fun times when you have to explain things but you're not sure your point is getting across. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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