Thursday, March 7, 2019

Hold Me?

A while back we put up signs on a few of our cages.
Basically saying "If you want to hold a pet, ask an associate"

Which has lead to a larger increase of people asking to hold hamsters and guinea pigs and snakes and other lizards and such.

Probably because the signs give customers confidence to ask to hold the animals. 

-Which is probably a ploy by corporate to get people to handle the pets a bit more so that they'll want to buy it...and therefore spend more money lol.

In any case.
A mother with a young son asked to hold a hamster today.
Because the boy really wanted to hold it.

But like a lot of children, Once the animal is out of the cage and near them.
They get really shy about handling the creature lol.

The boy just kinda stared at it and cautiously touched it before his mother helped him hold it and such.
And once he was done holding it he lost complete interest in the hamster and wanted to go look at other things lol.

But it was fun to see him handling the pet and not squishing him or freaking out or anything lol.

I'm grateful the hamster didn't try to bite him too. ^^;;

Yay for positive experiences. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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