Tuesday, December 3, 2019

A Small Tank

I came across one of my newer coworkers attempting to help a customer at the fish wall.

Which...I could tell at a glance it wasn't going well.

-turns out coworker wasn't feeling well--

But as I approached I heard the customer say "I've done this before, it's okay, I just want one small goldfish." 

And my coworker being the good new coworker they are was like "but the goldfish need a 29 gallon tank" -which is true when they're full grown, but as babies they can temporarily go into smaller tanks. 

And I could tell from the customer's tone of voice that they were heading towards being irritated.
So I volunteered to step in and take over so that a) my coworker could go sit down because they weren't feeling well and b) I could hopefully make the customer happy and satisfied with their purchase.

As they were wanting to buy a couple of plecos and a goldfish to put in a little two gallon tank.

Which is a bit small for three fish.
But the customer had stated before that they had done this multiple times before and the fish had been fine.

Which basically when a customer tells you "I've done this before it's been fine." You basically just shut your mouth because they're not going to listen to you anyways. 

Turns out the customer keeps the goldfish for a while and then when they get bigger they move the fish over to their friend's larger tanks.

So yah. Seemed like an alright situation.

But I suggested buying one of the smaller goldfish as they'd probably work better than the bigger ones and the customer would be able to keep them in the tank longer.

Of course the customer had to point to like the sickly looking one. *shakes head*
-The goldfish have been having a problem with getting hook/anchorworms for whatever reason recently and the customer pointed to a goldfish that had one of those worms on it.
-After the customer left I caught that goldfish, removed the worm, and isolated it away off the floor so it could recover.

I managed to catch a similar color shade of goldfish that looked much healthier for the customer. So yay!

And convinced them to get our little otocinclus because they eat algae and stay small.
-The customer wanted one of the regular plecos that gets like 2feet. Ha. Not good for an itty bitty tank.

But yah.
Our interaction ended with me suggesting some algae crumbles for the customer to feed to the otos because they didn't have a ton of algae in their tank.

And...yah...I think I ended the interaction on a positive note so woot!
At least the customer seemed really happy when they left. ^^;;
Yay for saving the day I suppose. ^^;;

-Sarnic Dirchi

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