Saturday, December 14, 2019

Santa Photos

So every year my work ends up doing "Pictures with Santa."

Where Santa comes to the store and pet owners can get free pictures taken of their pets with him. 

Said pictures being photos we take on our Ipads (it used to be an actual camera we'd have to like...get developed so yay for not having to do that for like the past five years) 

In any case. They're taken on Ipads and then usually emailed to the people.
Though this year they've done it where people can download an app and then we can take pictures on their phones too and then they can get them faster? Not sure.

But it's funny how people can get so particular and demanding about pictures.
Like guys
This isn't a professional thing. 
We're doing this as a FREE service.
So like...chill? It's not going to be one of those fancy $200 photography sessions or anything like that. 

Honestly, I think if we could do away with it we would.
Like even my head manager doesn't like the event that much. 

But it's our most popular event of the year.

And this year we're doing it both this weekend and next weekend which means double the trouble really. 

And already people are like...super 'excited' for it?

Or expecting it.

Because literally. And I mean literally. 
From the moment we opened.
Each and Every phone call I answered was a customer wanting to know if we were doing Santa Pictures today, when the event started, how long the event went for, if we would be doing it tomorrow as well, if we were doing it next weekend too.

Seriously I took like 20 phone calls personally and every single one was questions about Santa. *shakes head*

We had quite the steady line up throughout the event with a few breaks inbetween. 
But I only expect it to get more crazy next weekend. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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