Saturday, December 7, 2019

No Brine Shrimp

Had a customer come into the store wanting to get some fish.

Which it was easy enough for me to grab them as I'd been right there feeding all the tanks some frozen brine shrimp as we'd had a package come in damaged and we didn't want it to go to waste. So all the fish got a treat today. :) Yay them lol

In any case.

I fished out like five different fish for the customer.
And at the end I was like "Anything else I can help you with?"

And the customer was like "I don't want the brine shrimp in there."

Because I had literally just fed the brineshrimp to all the fish and so while fishing out the fish the customer wanted I ended up getting some of the food into the container too.

It was an odd request, but not fully unexpected as the customer had noted while watching me feed the fish before making a decision, that some fish would go after the shrimp and some would not.

So I think they were worried that there might be something wrong with the shrimp because not all the fish would eat it.

-Honestly it's not that weird. I mean not every person likes all the same food. It's the same with fish some fish are pickier eaters than others. 

In any case.
I was like "Sure." I could totally fish out the brine shrimp so there was none in the customer's bag of fish.

So I grabbed a small net and scooped out a large amount of the brine shrimp.

And not wanting it go to waste.
Placed the net in the nearest tank to give the fish there more shrimp to eat.

And the customer was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

My guess, as there was a bit of a language barrier where English isn't their first language, the customer had thought I misunderstood what they wanted and that I was putting the fish back in the tank.

"I'm fishing out the brine shrimp." Is what I told them because that's what they had wanted me to do in the first place. Like not even a minute had lapsed between the customer's request and me fishing out the shrimp.

*shakes head*
In the moment I was like "Did you already forget what you asked me to do?"

But yah I can see their concerns with me not understanding them and such. 
As they kept a rather close eye on the container to make sure all the fish stayed there and weren't put back in the tanks. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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