Tuesday, December 31, 2019


It's always a good feeling when I can fill the cages at work.
Especially after I've been waiting like a week to do so since Christmas totally wiped us out of many many creatures.

And while we're still low on reptiles birds and getting even lower on fish....

Today I was able to bring out all our small pets -the hamsters/guinea pigs- to the floor to place in their nice clean empty cages.
And it just so happened that i had enough hamsters and guinea pigs to fill every cage! 
Which is awesome!
I love it when things work out like that. XD lol.

It's also nice because today marks us going back to using our Carefresh bedding that we used for forever before switching to a different brand....
That brand ended up with far too many complaints.
So they switched us back to the good old carefresh.

And it was nice to work with it again.
Made the bedding change go easier and quicker I feel like.

SO yah.....
Small pets are out on the floor and their cages are clean! ^^;; lol

Now...if only I could get my reptile shipment in.
That would be great.

We'll be able to replenish our birds on Thursday.
And Fish will be replenished on Friday.
But Reptiles?
Still unknown. :S :S :S hopefully it's sooner rather than later. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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