Thursday, December 26, 2019

No Cleaning

I probably could have done the bedding change today at work.
I mean, it was only four bird cages.
Pretty easy to clean and such.
Plus I had the coverage today to like...take myself out of the equation and still have people around to help customers that came into the store.

But at the same time.
I elected not to.
Because today was the day after Christmas.
And it's pretty common for parents to bring their kids into the store the day after Christmas in order to buy the animals for the cages/tanks that they were given on Christmas Day.

Though with today being a's hard to judge exactly how busy it would get. Since not everyone has the day after Christmas off.

I think it ended up being busy enough...
But not so busy that I couldn't have done the bedding change.

I didn't want to risk it because knowing how the system works, the moment I tried to start the bedding change, we'd get this huge rush of people and I would be stressing on getting the cages cleaned before my shift ended.

So I elected to play it safe.
And just focused on helping customers get their birds, hamsters, leopard geckos, and fish etc.

So yah.
Wasn't too crazy of a day, but definitely a busy one. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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