Monday, December 2, 2019

The Cashier

There's a thing about working in the mornings.
I don't often interact with the night crew.
Like occasionally we'll overlap for a couple of hours.
But the people who work the evening shifts...I often don't get to know that well.
So my impressions of them are fleeting and I'll often hear complaints about things that have happened in the store with other coworkers and I'll just be like O_o??? Because I can't see it.

Though I do wonder if people change their behavior while I'm around.
Which is interesting...very interesting.

In any case.

We had this cashier.
Who from the words of one of my managers 'begged' to get a job.
And so like...we hired them right?

And it seemed alright at first. 

It was easy to give them a little slack because they were new and still learning and didn't know everything yet.

But their personality to me was rather....loud?

Like the few times I interacted with this cashier they kinda came off as angry or just of low patience?

And there was more than once I would encounter them before their shift practically yelling into the phone.
And I couldn't tell if this cashier was loud in general because I have had coworkers who just naturally speak loud, or if they were genuinely angry and yelling over the phone to someone.

In any case.

I've been hearing about....incidents. In the closing shifts.

Like the cashier getting upset when a piece of their personal property they left at work went missing. 
-Like?? If you don't lock it up, expect it to go missing dear coworker, because people aren't all honest. 

Or the cashier refusing to do tasks.
Getting into arguments with the closing managers. 

And jumping down the throats of my coworkers for not doing something, or doing something like being on their phones....

When from what others tell me....this cashier would often be on their phone, would often have headphones in listening to music so it was difficult to get them to answer over the radio or understand them on the radios, and like...they never did anything.

"I'm the best and quickest out there!"
....when they are the slowest at getting tasks done. 

*shakes head*

Apparently things came to a head over the weekend.
-I had it off, so I only became aware of the situation during today's shift. 

Where the cashier asked that they be given the number of our head manager.

And like....the managers don't give out their personal phone numbers to coworkers.

For good reason. I don't think they want to be bugged with work related things when they're not at work.
Especially if it's a coworker on a warpath.

As they apparently were trying to get more hours to work and didn't like that the managers were all refusing them their request for more hours.

They had apparently been under the impression that the managers on duty were taking 'all the hours' and it was upsetting them.

Which is...silly.
Each week our work is given a certain amount of hours for the entire store. 
So the managers have to sit down and like ensure that we have the coverage throughout the day in management, stocking, cashiering, and petcare. 
And they have to do their best to not go over hours.
Because...idk why...but that's their goal.
Which means if they're already at max hours...even if a person is available to work longer, we still will send them home after their shift because we can't 'afford' to keep them on longer that day because we don't have the hours alotted to cover it. 
Really the only leeway is if a coworker ends up sick and can't make their shift, or the DM decides to give us more hours to help things out. 
But if you work more hours one day...often the managers will have you cut those hours a different day to make sure you don't get overtime and don't go over your scheduled hours.

In any case.
Apparently this coworker threw a legit tantrum right there at the register that the managers on duty wouldn't let them have access to a different manager's phone number. 
And wouldn't listen when the managers on duty were like "these managers told you that there were no more hours you can't get any more hours." 

But they were yelling and making a scene at the register. Basically saying "I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here! I'm doing my job! And I'm doing it good!" 

-In the time it takes this cashier to ring up one person we can ring up like three other customers at a different register. 

But the cashier was causing enough trouble that they had to open a second register and move all the customers over there. 

And despite the managers on duty's best efforts....
The cashier refused to go home.

Until they called one of the higher up managers on the phone and managed to convince the cashier to go into an office where they, the manager, and the manager on the phone had a very long...'animated' conversation which resulted in the manager on the phone telling the cashier that they needed to leave the building.

*shakes head*


I've had crazy coworkers before.
But this one may just take the cake.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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