Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Chinchilla Fever

Had a customer come into the store today who was interested in getting a pet because they'd been looking after a couple of Guinea Pigs for the last little bit.
But the Guinea Pigs weren't going to be in the house much longer as they were being taken as...I think the customer's kids...were heading back down south to stay with....possibly their other parent there?

In any case.
The customer, who hadn't wanted guinea pigs in the first place--ended up falling in love with them and now wants a pet of their own to take care of since they won't be taking care of guinea pigs anymore.

But they weren't sure if they wanted to do a Chinchilla or A Guinea Pig or maybe a Hamster and wanted to know the pros and cons to them.

Which...it's hard to explain those when the customer is just so excited about getting a pet in the first place that they're hardly paying attention at all to what you're saying.
As this customer was constantly interrupting me and such to ask more questions but wasn't waiting for a answer before asking more questions about a different animal. *shakes head*

In any case.
One of the pets the customer was interested in was a Chinchilla.
But they got a bit skittish about handling them when I mentioned one of them liked to nip.

-As a different customer had been bit by one earlier today.
-Which this was one of the customer return chinchillas that had been returned for nipping children.

But after a bit of convincing.
The customer decided they still wanted to try holding one.

So I grabbed the chinchilla I figured wouldn't bite.
-Which I was right in that.-

But the customer really didn't want to get bit.

So when I tried to hand the chinchilla to them the first time...
They freaked out and didn't want to hold it.

So I offered to hold it while they petted it.
And they loved petting it.

So again I tried to get them to hold it.
No dice.

But then I was like "I could put it on your lap?"
To which the customer acquiesced. 

It was a moment of touch and go when I placed the chinchilla there.

But the customer quickly warmed up to the little guy.

And by the time I put him back the customer was back to potentially wanting to buy one though they wanted to do more research on them and other pets first before doing so. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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