Wednesday, December 4, 2019

This Parakeet

So I had a customer come into the store, who had come in like...yesterday? Day before yesterday? To look at our parakeets as her son's been wanting one and so she came to check out what she would need to get for the bird. Cage, perches, food, toys, etc. 

And she became quite taken with one of our white and blue parakeets. 

I told her that we would be getting more birds in next week so she should have plenty of selection as we tend to sell through birds quite quickly in my location. I end up getting more parakeets in every single week.
Honestly it's a rare week that I don't get parakeets. 

In any case.
She basically would have to expect that the parakeet she liked wouldn't be there when she came back to get the bird because of how quickly we sell them.
And I couldn't guarantee that I would get in another white and blue parakeet with similar patterns in the meantime. 

She ended up deciding that she wanted the parakeet she'd seen originally.
So she came back today to get it.

She plans to keep the bird elsewhere until Christmas.

But yah.
I spent a bit of time talking her through everything she would need to get for the parakeet as well as helping her decide if she wanted to clip the bird's wings.

Originally the customer was against it.
But with the knowledge that she wanted to try and tame the bird down, I convinced her that clipping the wings would be the best thing to do.

Like the feathers will grow back anyways.
But this keeps the bird from flying as well.

Her concern was that it would hurt the bird.
It doesn't.
It's like cutting your fingernails or your hair.
So long as you don't cut too high, the bird feels no pain. 

She couldn't watch me cut the wings.

But yah.
She was quite happy with her purchase.

Hopefully the bird does well and the little boy is excited when he gets the parakeet for christmas. lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

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