Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Answer the Phone

So three weeks ago we had a guinea pig returned to our store because the customer was concerned he was sick and wanted us to contact them when the guinea pig was better so that they could buy him back.

So after a week, we deemed that the guinea pig was healthy and able to be returned to the pet parent. 

Which meant calling the customer to come pick him up.

Only when I called...the customer didn't pick up. 
I tried again.
No answer.
So I left a message. Basically saying that the guinea pig was healthy and ready to be picked up and if the customer could call us back and let us know when they were coming that would be great.

But two days passed.
No callback.

So two days after the first call, I had a coworker give the customer a call again and had them leave another message.

No response.

So last Monday I called for a third time. And left a third message, this time stating that if the customer didn't come pick up the guinea pig by Wednesday, we would assume that they no longer wanted the guinea pig and would proceed to put it back on the floor. 

Wednesday came and went.
No response from the customer.

So Thursday morning I brought the guinea pig back onto the floor.

And a couple of hours later a different customer bought the guinea pig. 
End of story.

Or so we thought.

Apparently, yesterday, a week after I called the customer.
We had a customer come in the store stating that they were here on behalf of their daughter to pick up the guinea pig they had returned to us because they had received a message that it was ready to be picked up.

A message.
Like three of them.
A week ago!

And I distinctly remember giving the customer a DEADLINE. 

And at first I was confused....because we only had one guinea pig in our sick room and we wouldn't have called the customers to pick him up yet because he's still on medications.
All the other guinea pigs that customers wanted to buy back had already recovered from their various ailments and been returned to their owners.

The only guinea pig potentially that the customer was looking for....
Was the one who was put back on the floor and already sold.

Like seriously? You don't check your messages for two weeks?? And then suddenly decide that you want to listen to them?

Thankfully the Head Manager decided to take over and call the customer back to get a better story as neither one of us were there when the customer came in yesterday.

So it was left to HM to be the one to break the news -after confirming that their guinea pig was black and white- that we'd already sold it. 
Because we had contacted them THREE times. And as per policy if we don't hear back from the customer after contacting them then we can go ahead and sell the animal. 

The customer obviously wasn't too happy to hear that. 

And asked if they would be able to get another guinea pig.
To which my manager assured them that they could buy another guinea pig and that we had plenty in the store to choose from.

The customer was like ??? buy?!

Because apparently they hadn't ever received a refund on the guinea pig they returned.

To which we were like ????
Because it's our policy if we return a pet that we give the customer their money back. 
That way if the animal ends up dying...the customer doesn't have to come back to the store a second time to get their money back for the animal.

So we were like ???? 
Because the customer should have gotten their money back. 

In any case.

After my manager hung up with the customer, we went and used their number to look up their recent purchases. 

And the very first receipt?
Showed that we'd given the customer their money back. 

So the fact that they were claiming we never did?

A big fat lie. 


Thankfully we didn't have to argue with the customer that they had to buy their new guinea pig.

When they came in they had their kids pick out a new guinea pig, bought it, and went on their merry way.

So thankfully it wasn't a big deal.

Though I do wonder...why they didn't check their messages for over a week.
Because like....if they'd answered the phone or responded to us...we would have been able to get them their original guinea pig back. 

Complications. All around.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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