Thursday, April 23, 2020

Sold Out

It's interesting how customers can fail to comprehend the concept that pet stores can run out of things. 

Like they expect us to have a constant supply of what they want in stock.
But like...we can run out of things.
Especially if supplies are limited.

And with the's hard to predict just when we'll get certain things in.

Like Betta Fish.

Because of the pandemic, social distancing and a lot more people staying home. 
Everyone is wanting a pet.

And the simple and least expensive pet to a betta fish. 

However...last Friday we didn't get in our fish shipment.
And it's unknown if we'll get in our shipment tomorrow.

But because we didn't get a resupply....we ran out of bettas on Saturday.
So have spent the entire week with only our GloFish Bettas left. 
Which considering those are between $10-$30...
Not a lot of people are willing to buy one.

Though there have been customers who have been so convinced that they need a betta fish that they have bought the glo ones.

In any case.

I had a trio come into the store today. Looking to buy a betta fish.

"Where are all your betta fish?" They demanded.
"We're sold out" was my response.
"Sold out! Why did you sell them all?!" 

....Like...that's a stupid question to ask.
Why did we sell them all?
Because people bought them. 
Obviously if something is for sell people will buy them. If we run's because people bought them before we could restock the shelves.

*shakes head*

It was like the customers were offended that we didn't save a betta fish specifically for them.
But like Dude.
We've been out of the bettas for practically a week.
Not our fault that you got the idea to get a pet fish after everyone else.


-Sarnic Dirchi

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